Collection: Eternal
Eternity is not endless time, but an expansion of present time.
In this collection, figurative artist Gama Neaves pays homage to her dream home: the ocean, highlighting the profound human need, which she observes in the people who visit it, to embrace the mystery of its depths. Through oil metaphors and textures, she invites us to question our ability to become sensitive to the magic of the waves of life and embrace the present moment that is liquid and fluid like the sea, but permanent in the memory of our spirit.
For the artist, the perpetual movement of the ocean teaches us the changing essence of existence and the longing to embrace the immensity of the infinite, reminding us that eternity is not an endless time, but an expansion of the present time.
This exhibition invites us to see the sea as an emotional landscape that remains imprinted on our skin and in the memory of our heart.
"The ocean and I have an eternal romance."